Monday, December 03, 2007

From the most recent EARS meeting, above is a somewhat blurry photo of Wes Dooley, the founder and owner of Audio Engineering Associates, (AEA). AEA specializes in big Ribbon Mics. Mics that use a ribbon-shaped element to pick up sound and convert it to an electrical signal. Back in the 1930's - 1950's RCA made a ribbon mic, the RCA 44, which is coveted even today for its awesome authentic warm tone - a sound that you cannot get from condenser or tube mics.

Eddie Van Halen and Pete Townsend swear by these mics. For a while these mics were hard to come by and collectors were hoarding them. Over the years, the mics have become so rare, that during the 1990's Wes & Co. accurately reproduced this mic to spec, and also spawned a line of mics built around the same principles for use in various specific recording applications. Some are made for close micing, Broadcasting, DJing, there is a stereo version, etc..

I didnt take any photos of the mics, (so I borrowed this one of the AEA 44. I hope no one minds too much.) But you can see them and hear recordings of them at work on Wes' website. They are a little expensive for the everyday recording enthusiast, but this is top-quality professional gear and well worth it. Other mics from AEA of note, the AEA R84 and R92 are two mics that I'd like to try recording some acoustic guitar on.

As a side-bar, meet "Franken-console." A special console for students at Columbia College. It contains two channels from different audio mixing boards, AMEK, Neumann, Philips, to name a few. Students get an opportunity to see how each console performs, and how each mic pre-amp in each strip adds its own unique color or character to the sound.


OK lately I have been focusing on the technical side of music-making. Indeed, a person can spend so much time familiarizing themselves with equipment, they they are liable to become an audio engineer in the process. :) I have been spending a lot of time with new software, and sizing up new pieces of equipment I'd like to own some day. However, there is also an artistic side to music making and I plan to focus my writing on that next-- And put more song clips up for you to listen to as well.