Woah - gotta back it up...
The following three blogs are me catching up and making good on writing about current events...
OK the first thing that I should tell you is that there has been some progress made with the 'Five Thousand People' CD. For some of you who dont know, the 5Kppl project "Five Thousand People" is an ambient collaboration between Jon Chambers and myself.

The recordings took place in September of 2006 in a small mountain town in Colorado called Alma. There he is in the picture playing the drums back at his place.

Jon did a lot of keyboard work with his Nord Lead 3.

The Nord. It's Swedish, and it's amazing.

Listen: Mountain Bike, a jam we did with the Nord.

(You can listen to more music and read about 'Five Thousand People' and the trip to Colorado here.)
In early April, Jon Chambers gave me a call to say he was going to be in town. We met up at Shula's Steakhouse where we ate football-sized steaks. Kansas City Strip mm mmm... Even the menu was written on a football which was funny cause it conjured up ideas of telling the waiter to go for a Hail Mary. But overall the food was great. We agreed that we were going to start getting things ready to go into a studio to edit and remix our tracks.
The studio that we are focused on is SOMA Electronic Music Studio, in Chicago. It is owned and operated by John McEntire, who aside from being an accomplished producer and engineer, is also the drummer for Tortoise.
See article by Jim DeRogatis: Tortoise’s JOHN McENTIRE: Post-Rock’s Sonic Genius
and check out the studio here:
Soma Electronic Music Studios
The studio has a lot of history. Stereolab, Tortoise, The Sea and Cake. You've heard 'em.
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